2003 January-March

Date Presenter


25 March, 2003 Manami Satoh
(Guraduate student
Master Course
1st grader)
18 March, 2003 Hiroshi Takata
(Guraduate student
Master Course
1st grader)

Human CD8 Tcell of the peripheral blood contain a low CD8 expressing cytotoxic/effector subpopulation. Immunology.108:305-312,2003.

4 March, 2003 Takamasa Ueno
(Assistant Professor)

Phillip D.Holler and David M.Kranz
Quantitative Analysis of the Contribution of TCR/pepMHC Affinity and CD8 to T cell Activation. Immunity.18:255-264,2003

25 Februrary, 2003 Hiroko Tomiyama
(Assistant Professor)
Edith M.Janssen,Edward E.lemmens,Tom Wolfe,Urs Christen,Matthias G.von Herrath&Stephen P.Schoenberger
CD4+T cells are required for secondary expansion and memory in CD8+T lymphocytes. Nature.421:852-856,2003
4 Februrary, 2003 Seiji Okada
(Professor: : Division of Hematopoiesis
Induction of T cell development from hematopoietic progenitor cells by delta-llike-l in vitro.Immunity.17-49,2002,J Exp Med.194-991,2001, Immunity.17-689,2002,Cell 109-S1,2002
28 January, 2003 Mamoru Fujiwara
(Guraduate student
Master Course
1st grader)
Ian A. Y, Shih-Chung C, Tomi S, Jennifer A. K, Janice M. Favreau, Alfred L. G, and Kenneth L. R.  The ER aminopeptidase ERAPI enhances or limits antigen presentation by trimming epitopes to 8-9 resudues.  Nature Immunol. 3(12):1177-1184, 2002.
21 January, 2003 Hiroshi Takata
(Guraduate student
Master Course
1st grader)
Dong Z, Premlata S, Zhan X, Brooke H, Gang C, Christoph L, Sandra J. L, Heman V, Michael M. L, and Judy L.  Most antiviral CD8 T cells during chronic viral infection do not express high levels of perforin and are not directly cytotoxic.  Blood. 101(1):226-235, 2003.