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採択者名 Masao Hashimoto
(Division of Viral Immunology, Center for AIDS Research, Kumamoto University)
課題名 Influence of CD8+ T cell antigen sensitivity on the selection of HIV-1 escape variants
外国人共同研究者名 Victor Appay
(INSERM, France)
I visited Cellular Immunology Laboratratory, INSERM 543 in Paris from July 27 to August 2, 2009. The objective was to discuss about the detailed methology, schedule, and contribution for our joint research project, "Influence of CD8+ T cell antigen sensitivity on the selection of HIV-1 escape variants".
Actually, we had never met with one another until my visit to Paris. Although we had tried to discussed about those by e-mail, I have now realized that talking face to face was sometimes very effective for proceeding the project smoothly. E-mail itself, which can be used and recorded anytime, might be convenient for communicating with researchers oversees. By only e-mail, however, we cannot see and/or feel facial expressions, gestures, and mood with one another, from which we can get many things for discussing efficiently and precisely. I know that my stay in Paris was only for one week, but I beleive that the discussions were very productive.
Anyway, all laboratory members were very friendly and kind, and I enjoyed this discussion. In addition, everything was amazing for me in Paris including food, arts, architectural structures, and weather.
Thank you.

August 6, 2009.
Masao Hashimoto.

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