■ Program

Invited Speakers:

Tao Dong
Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford

Maximillian Rosario

Linacre College, University of Oxford

Jeffrey J. Ishizuka

Harvard Medical School

Joseph Ziegelbauer


Guillaume Benedict Edward Stewart-Jones

Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford

Hirotomo Nakata


Paul L. Boyer

This symposium supplements our Kumamoto AIDS Seminar and Weekly Young Investigator Seminar (WYIS). At the Kumamoto AIDS Seminar, principal investigators have an opportunity to speak, but young investigators and graduate students mostly give poster presentations. Consequently, young scientists/ students do not always play a major role and are not always actively involved in the discussion with international scientists during the Seminar. On the other hand, WYIS focuses on training young scientists and students. They present their data in English and also chair sessions. However, they do not have an opportunity to speak with non-gCOE members in the WYIS. Therefore, WYIS does not sufficiently prepare young scientists/students for scientific discussions at international meetings. To circumvent these problems associated with Kumamoto AIDS Seminar and WYIS, we will organize International Young Investigator Symposium (IYIS).
March 4-5, 2010
Gene Technology Center, 6th Floor Seminar Room and Lecture Room, Kumamoto University
Center for AIDS research, 2nd Floor Seminar Room, Kumamoto University

Center for AIDS Research, Kumamoto University
2-2-1 Honjo, Kumamoto 860-0811, Japan
Phone: +81 96 373 6531 / Fax: +81 96 373 6532
E-mail: cark@kumamoto-u.ac.jp

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