Center for AIDS Research, Visiting Professor
Infectious Diseases, M.D., Ph.D. Member of Committee for Education of Young Scientists, Research on HIV Therapy

Combination antiretroviral therapy has brought about improved quality of life and extended survival in patients with HIV-1 infection. However, the emergence of HIV-1 variants resistant to anti-HIV-1 therapeutic agents has limited the efficacy of chemotherapy. The increasing prevalence of drug-resistant HIV transmission has become a critical epidemic in the world today. Studies in developed countries reported 8-27% of newly diagnosed HIV patients are infected by drug-resistant strains. We conducted a nationwide survey and determined the drug-resistant transmission rate was 4.0% between 2003 and 2004 in Japan (Gatanaga et al. Antiviral Res 2007). I am continuing the survey of drug-resistant transmission in newly-diagnosed HIV-infected patients. Another of my research interests is to elucidate the mechanism of development of drug resistance, especially how resistant variants emerge in patients under treatment and how HIV-1 utilizes the preexisting polymorphic mutations to acquire drug resistance. Even if polymorphic mutations themselves do not alter drug susceptibility, their combination with other unreported mutations might confer significant drug resistance. |
Such combinations are not included in the current reference tables of drug resistance-associated mutations and the effect of preexisting polymorphic mutations on the development of drug resistance is not well taken into consideration. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-containing combination of antiretroviral agents are recommended as the first-line regimens for HIV-1-infected individuals. One of the most critical problems, however, is the easy emergence of NNRTI resistance-associated mutations, among which the amino acid substitutions from Lys to Asn at the 103rd position (K103N) of reverse transcriptase (RT) is the most common and important partly because it arises by a single nucleotide substitution from wild-type K103. There are polymorphisms at the 103rd codon of HIV-1 RT and K103R polymorphic mutation was identified in 3.3% of treatment-naïve patients in our clinic. R103N does not seem to occur as easily as K103N because R103N requires two nucleotide substitutions. To induce NNRTI resistance-associated mutations, monocloncal HIV-1 harboring K103R was propagated in the presence of increasing concentrations of efavirenz (EFV) or nevirapine (NVP). Another polymorphic mutation, V179D, emerged in all three EFV cultures and in two of four NVP cultures. Analysis of recombinant HIV-1s showed that coexistence of K103R and V179D conferred significant resistant against EFV and NVP (Gatanaga et al. Virology 2006). More attention should be given to resistance-associated mutations that are specifically derived from certain polymorphisms. Currently, I am investigating the impacts of other polymorphic mutations including CTL-escape mutations on the emergence of drug-resistant HIV-1.
Current combination antiretroviral treatment is so potent that HIV-1 load in plasma can be suppressed under detection limit in a large amount of patients. Once successful combination treatment is interrupted, however, HIV-1 plasma load reemerges and HIV disease progression resumes, indicating that life-long treatment is indispensable to maintain immuno-competent status of HIV-infected individuals. In order to continue highly active antiretroviral treatment with excellent adherence, long-term toxicities and side-effects should be carefully avoided. EFV is an important anti-HIV-1 agent in current combination treatment and is usually prescribed at a fixed dosage of 600 mg once daily. The plasma concentration of EFV varies widely in individuals, and the prevalence of central nervous system (CNS) symptoms is higher in those with high concentrations. EFV is metabolized mainly by cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6), and we reported that all Japanese patients with CYP2B6 516TT genotype had extremely high EFV concentrations without exception (Tsuchiya et al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004). We identified a novel CYP2B6 allele harboring 516T (CYP2B6 *26) in Japanese patients, and reduced EFV dosage in such 516TT genotype holders. As expected, CNS-related symptoms improved with dose reduction in 10 of 14 patients, although some had not been aware of the symptoms at initial dosage (Gatanaga et al. Clin Infect Dis 2007). The nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) that represent the backbone of current anti-HIV-1 regimens are associated with a variety of long-term adverse effects, most of which are attributed to mitochondrial toxicity, possibly due to inhibition of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication. mtDNA replicates by a multienzyme complex, the main component of which is the nuclear-encoded DNA polymerase gamma (Polg). NRTIs are thought to induce mitochondrial toxicity by inhibiting Polg, which results in the depletion of mtDNA, damage of the respiratory chain, elevation of serum lactate levels, and life-threatening lactic acidosis. Genetic factors could be involved in this process, given that not all NRTI-treated patients experience the toxicity. In one patient with lactic acidosis, a novel Polg mutation (Arg to Cys at codon 964 [R964C]) was identified at a site close to polymerase motif B, which is hightly conserved among family A polymerases. Recombinant R964C Polg showed only 14% activity, compared with that of wild-type Polg. Culture with stavudine (d4T) significantly reduced mtDNA levels in patient-derived limphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) harboring R964C Polg, compared with those in LCLs harboring wild-type Polg (Yamanaka et al. J Infect Dis 2007). The novel Polg mutation could be associated with the severe lactic acidosis induced by long-term NRTI use. These studies shows that tailor-made treatment guided by genotype is possible and necessary for avoiding long-term toxicities induced by antiretroviral agents. I am investigating other genotype-associated adverse events including bradycardia induced by protease inhibitors.

Gatanaga H, Ibe S, Matsuda M, et al. Drug-resistant HIV-1 prevalence in patients newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in Japan. Antiviral Research 2007 Vol.75 (75-82) |
Gatanaga H, Hachiya A, Kimura S, et al. Mutations other than 103N in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase (RT) emerge from K103R polymorphism under non-nucleoside RT inhibitor pressure. Virology 2006 Vol.344 (354-362) |
Tsuchiya K, Gatanaga H, Tachikawa N, et al. Homozygous CYP2B6*6 (Q172H and K262R) correlates with high plasma efavirenz concentrations in HIV-1 patients treated with standard efavirenz-containing regimens. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communications 2004 Vol.319 (1322-1326) |
Gatanaga H, Hayashida T, Tsuchiya K, et al. Successful efavirenz dose reduction in HIV type 1-infected individuals with cytochrome P450 2B6 *6 and *26. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2007 Vol.45 (1230-1237) |
Yamanaka H, Gatanaga H, Kosalaraksa P, et al. Novel mutation of human DNA polymerase gamma associated with mitochondrial toxicity induced by anti-HIV treatment. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2007 Vol.195 (1419-1425) |
