Program Description > International Research Scientist Development Grants for Young Investigators > Guidelines for International Research Scientist Development Grants for Young Investigators

Solicitation of additional applications for FY 2011

Applications for FY2011 is now closed

→ Guidelines PDF
[1] Purpose
This program supports postdoctoral scientists in the formative stages of their careers to conduct international collaborative research. These awards will provide one-year period of initial support for projects intended to complete preliminary steps in the pipeline for pre-arranged international collaboration. It is anticipated that research projects receiving seeding support under this program will lead directly to a subsequent project that will be well positioned to compete for funds through the parent “International Collaborative Research Grants for Young Investigators” Program.
[2] Eligibility
Applicants must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:
1) Applicant must be an employee of Kumamoto University and a member of a laboratory participating in the AIDS gCOE Program.
2) Applicant must be 41 years old or younger and within ten years of receiving the doctoral degree at the time of submission deadline.
3) The proposed research must be directly linked to a pre-arranged collaboration. Applicant must have an existing collaboration with a leading scientist at an internationally recognized research institution.
[3] Application Submission and Review Process
Applicants must discuss the proposed projects with their international collaborators in advance. Senior mentors should not be directly involved in the application preparation although applicants may seek general advice. The Application Form must be prepared in English.

Applications will be evaluated by the AIDS gCOE Grant Review Board for the decision. Applicants may be called for an interview prior to the final decision.

International Research Scientist Development Awards provide support for a period of one year. A maximum of three Grants will be available each year; however, contingent upon availability of funds and scientific merit of the applications, more grants may be awarded.

• Application Form /
[Word /application_form_HOGA2011.doc]
[PDF /application_form_HOGA2011.pdf]

  1. Biographical Sketch:
    Applicant’s Name, Age, Affiliation, Title, Education/ Training/ Employment History (since graduate school), and the date of Doctoral Degree conferred
  2. International Collaborator Information
    Name, Age, Affiliation, and Title
  3. Project Title
  4. Project Summary (maximum 300 words)
  5. Preliminary results/ Preparatory Framework pertaining to this project (maximum 500 words)
  6. Documentation of pre-arranged collaboration pertinent to this project
    Applicant is requested to submit supporting documents showing collaboration with their respective international collaborators, including but not limited to papers, meeting abstracts, and e-mails).
  7. Research Proposal (maximum 800 words)
  8. Expected Results (maximum 300 words)
  9. Publication List of Applicant for the past three years (Authors, Title, Journal, Volume, page numbers, year)
  10. Publication List of Collaborator for the past three years

1) Submission Deadline: Wednesday, April 27th, 2011, by noon. Applications for FY2011 is now closed
2) Completed application materials must be received by e-mail at the AIDS gCOE Promotion Division, Urata(akikei@* *@Please change "" ).
[4] Award Provisions
Awards are as much as JPY 1,500,000 per year. The evaluation score of A will be given to proposals that exceed expectations and are anticipated to lead directly to a subsequent project to compete in the parent “International Collaborative Research Grants for Young Investigators” Program. Projects meeting expectations with high potential will be given score B and score C for those adequately showed potential in the transition into the parent program. Up to JPY 1,500,000 will be awarded to applications that received score A, up to JPY 1,000,000 for score B, and up to JPY 500,000 for score C proposals.
[5] Reporting Requirements
Awardees must submit project reports by the end of fiscal year, which must be prepared in English.

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