The Nature of the HTLV-1 Provirus in Naturally Infected Individuals Analyzed by the Viral DNA-Capture-Seq Approach.(Cell Reports)

Katsuya, H., Islam, S., Tan, B., Ito, J., Miyazato, P., Matsuo, M., Inada, Y., Iwase, S., Uchiyama, Y., Hata, H., Sato, T., Yagishita, N., Araya, N., Ueno, T., Nosaka, K., Tokunaga, M., Yamagishi, M., Watanabe, T., Uchimaru, K., Fujisawa, J., Utsunomiya, A., Yamano, Y. and Satou, Y. (2019). The Nature of the HTLV-1 Provirus in Naturally Infected Individuals Analyzed by the Viral DNA-Capture-Seq Approach. Cell Reports, 29(3), pp.724-735.e4.(Division of Genomics and Transcriptomics)

Kumamoto University
Faculty of Life Sciences
kagoshima university Campus
The Joint Research Center for Human Retrovirus Infection

Copyright @ 2019 Joint Research Center for Human Retrovirus Infection, Kumamoto University