Aiming to solve the problem of virus infection
Our lab had the pleasure of hosting Mr. Chatcharin Kamsom, a talented PhD student from the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University Thailand, as an intern.
During his time with us, he shared valuable insights and presented his fascinating research on dengue virus in collaboration with our lab.
Dr. Sugata and Mr. Niimura attended and presented our research at The 10th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of HTLV-1.
Mr. Niimura won younger investigator award. Congratulations!
Prof. Satou, Ms.Akhinur and Ms. Ishrat attended and presented our research at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Virology.
Dr.Sugata and Dr.Omnia attended and presented our research at 3rd France – Japan symposium on HIV/AIDS & infectious diseases basic research.
Dr. Sugata ‘Integrated single cell analysis of HTLV-1 specific CD8 T cells in peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid
from HAM/TSP patients’
Dr. Omnia ‘HIV-Tocky system to visualize proviral expression dynamics’
Mr. Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori(D1) and Ms.Akter Sarmin(M1) joined our lab.
Welcome to our lab!