Joint Research Center for Human Retrovirus Infection, Kumamoto University Division of Genomics and Transcriptomics

Aiming to solve the problem of virus infection


  • Akhinur Rahman, Wajihah Sakhor, Md Saiful Islam and Ishrat Jahan attended and presented our research at the 26th Summer Retrovirus Conference.

  • Prof.Satou, Dr. Sugata and students presented our research at Kumamoto AIDS seminar.

  • Prof. Satou’s paper is now published in Discovery Immunology.

    【Spectrum of Treg and Self-Reactive T cells: Single Cell Perspectives from Old Friend HTLV-1】

  • Prof.Satou, Dr.Sugata, Akhinur Rahman, Ishrat Jahan and Koki Niimura attended and presented our researchs at HTLV CONFERENCE 2024 (Imperial College London)


    ‘Molecular mechanisms of HTLV-1 latency’

    Akhinur Rahman
    ‘Intragenic silencer of HTLV-1 regulates latent infection by the interplay of cellular factors like RUNX1, GATA3 & ETS1’


    Dr. Sugata
    ‘Integrated single cell analysis of HTLV-1 specific CD8 T cells in peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid from HAM/TSP patients.’

    Ishrat Jahan
    ‘The establishment of a transgenic mouse model to characterise HTLV-1 driven CD4 T cell immortalisation mechanism’

    Koki Niimura
    ‘Dynamics and regulatory mechanisms of HTLV-1 gene expression analyzed by single-cell multiome method using CD4+ T cells from ATL patients’

  • Omnia Reda graduated from Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences with a Doctoral course. Congratulations!