• 次世代育成

次世代育成 Graduate School Program

Educational Program for Advanced Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS

The history of mankind has been one of struggle against infectious diseases. The impact of infectious disease research on the increase in life expectancy in developed countries has been immeasurable. This includes the development of vaccines against various infectious diseases, antibiotics against bacterial infections, and drugs to treat chronic viral infections, that were previously considered untreatable. These research achievements have been built upon the body of knowledge generated by numerous basic studies on the fundamental properties and life cycles of pathogens.
This comprehensive course will equip basic medical researchers and healthcare professionals with a thorough understanding of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases caused by various pathogenic microorganisms. It features an array of unique programs, including lectures that delve into the fundamental aspects of infectious diseases from the perspectives of basic medicine, clinical medicine, and social medicine. Students will also acquire essential medical research methods and receive clinical training at the National Center for Global Health or Medicine or Kumamoto University Hospital. Cross-laboratory seminars and international symposia provide opportunities for research presentations and discussions, and collaborative research projects at overseas institutions will deepen students’ knowledge and skills. Upon completion of the program, graduates will be well-prepared to work as independent researchers and healthcare professionals at advanced research institutions, medical facilities, and international organizations in Japan and around the world.



Laboratories and faculty members

As of 1st February 2024
  教授・Professor 准教授/講師・Associate Professor/Lecturer 助教・Assistant Professor
感染免疫学 上野 貴将 Takamasa Ueno 本園 千尋 Chihiro Motozono    
感染・造血 鈴 伸也 Shinya Suzu     髙橋 尚史 Naofumi Takahashi
ゲノミクス・トランスクリプトミクス学 佐藤 賢文 Yorifumi Sato 菅田 謙治 Kenji Sugata    
造血・腫瘍制御学 岡田 誠治 Seiji Okada        
分子ウイルス・遺伝学     池田 輝政 Terumasa Ikeda    
ウイルス病態学     野村 拓志 Takushi Nomura    
ワクチン学 俣野 哲朗 Tetsuro Matano  立川(川名)愛 Ai Tachikawa(Kawana)    
    山本浩之 Hiroyuki Yamamoto     
エイズ診療学 潟永 博之 Hiroyuki Gatanaga 渡辺恒二  Koji Watanabe     
免疫学 押海 裕之 Hiroyuki Oshiumi     幸脇 貴久 Takahisa Kouwaki
微生物学 澤 智裕 Tomohiro Sawa 前田 洋助 Yousuke Maeda 門出 和精 Kazuaki Monde
消化器内科学 田中 靖人 Yasuto Tanaka     渡邊 丈久 Takehisa Watanabe
血液・膠原病・感染症内科学 安永 純一朗 Junichiro Yasunaga 中田 浩智 Hirotomo Nakata    

WYIS (Weekly Young Investigator Seminar)

The WYIS program aims to foster scientific communication among young scientists and students and broaden their research horizons through dynamic engagement in discussion.
Conducted in weekly basis, the program provides young investigators and students with an opportunity to develop their English presentation skills and receive feedback on their work. The WYIS series is designed to provide a supportive and friendly environment where young scientists can engage in scientific discussions and learn from one another as well as networking with their peers and senior colleagues, which can be invaluable in building their careers. Moreover, the open-mindedness approach adopted in the WYIS programs allows for the possibility of not only presenting data but also proposing novel research ideas through freely expression of thoughts without restrictions.

Kumamoto AIDS Seminar

The Kumamoto AIDS Seminar is part of the graduate school program for infectious diseases and AIDS. Conducted annually, the seminar brings together a diverse group of researchers from all over the world to share their latest findings and insights in the field of HIV/IDS and other infectious diseases. The seminar provides a unique opportunity for young researcher and students to learn from and interact with leading experts in their field, expanding their knowledge and building valuable connections for their future careers. The seminar is also an important platform for facilitating international collaborations and recruiting graduate students. The objective of the seminar is to inspire new thinking, spark innovative solutions and propel progress in order to stay ahead of the curve in the field of scientific research on infectious diseases.

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How to take credits in The Course of Educational Program for Advanced Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS

Special lectures, practice and training opened for “The Course of Educational Program for Advanced Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS”

Table 1: The Course of Educational Program for Advanced Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS

Subjects Credit Opening Contents
Special Lecture I on Infectious
Diseases and AIDS
2 1-4 To learn basic research advances of infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS.
Special Lecture II on Infectious
Diseases and AIDS
2 1-4 To learn clinical, epidemiological and social science researches of infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS.
raining I on Infectious Diseases
and AIDS
2 1-4 To train and learn clinical practice and expertise in infectious diseases at Kumamoto University Hospital.
Training II on Infectious Diseases
and AIDS
2 1-4 To train and learn clinical practice and expertise in HIV/AIDS at the National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo.
ractice I on Infectious Diseases
and AIDS
8 1-4 To learn critical readings of scientific articles at Journal Club held in each laboratory.
Practice II on Infectious Diseases
and AIDS
2 1-4 To take a part in making scientific presentation and discussion at our annual international Kumamoto AIDS Seminar.
Practice III on Infectious Diseases
and AIDS
2 1-4 To learn presentation and discussion at Weekly Young Investigator Seminar (WYIS) operated across laboratories.
Practice IV on Infectious Diseases
and AIDS
2 1-4 To learn broad aspects of research advances in medical and life sciences by qualified speakers.
Research on Infectious Diseases
and AIDS
10 1-4 To conduct research in infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS, drafting scientific papers, and preparing for thesis.
Special Research I on Infectious
Diseases and AIDS
2 1-4 To conduct research activity at a partner institution in a foreign country for longer than 6 weeks.
Special Research II on Infectious
Diseases and AIDS
4 1-4 To conduct research activity at a partner institution in a foreign country for longer than 4 months.

Planning of taking classes.

Table 2: The Course of Educational Program for Advanced Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS
(Use a form in Page 9 for registration.)

Category Subjects Credit
Compulsory Special Lecture I on Infectious Diseases and AIDS 2
Special Lecture II on Infectious Diseases and AIDS 2
Medical Informatics and Medical Ethics 2
Practice I on Infectious Diseases and AIDS 8
Research on Infectious Diseases and AIDS 10
raduate School’s Medical Experiment Course One subject is compulsory, and the other subjects are elective
Training I on Infectious Diseases and AIDS
Training II on Infectious Diseases and AIDS
Elective Practice II on Infectious Diseases and AIDS 2 4 or more
Practice III on Infectious Diseases and AIDS 2
Practice IV on Infectious Diseases and AIDS 2
Special Research I on Infectious Diseases and AIDS 2
Special Research II on Infectious Diseases and AIDS 4
Lecture courses in page 3 excluding A1 and B4 2
Need to take 30 or more credits.

(Doctoral course)Registration Application
[The Course of Educational Program for Advanced Research in Infectious Diseases and AIDS]




授業科目名 単位 年次 授業科目の概要
先端感染症特論I 2 1-4 感染症とエイズの基礎医学に関する講義
先端感染症特論II 2 1-4 感染症とエイズの疫学、臨床医学、社会医学に関する講義
先端感染症実習I 2 1-4 熊本大学附属病院での感染症に関わる見学・研修・実習
先端感染症実習II 2 1-4 国立国際医療研究センター病院での感染症に関わる研修・実習
先端感染症演習I 8 1-4 感染症、エイズ等に関する各研究室での抄読会など
先端感染症演習II 2 1-4 熊本エイズセミナー(国際シンポジウム)への参加、研究発表など
先端感染症演習III 2 1-4 研究室横断的に学生がグループで取り組む研究発表など
先端感染症演習IV 2 1-4 感染症、エイズあるいは広く基礎医学に関するセミナーの聴講など
先端感染症研究 10 1-4 感染症、エイズ等に関する各研究室での研究など
先端感染症特別研究I 2 1-4 海外研究施設、途上国医療施設での6週間程度の短期研究活動
先端感染症特別研究II 4 1-4 海外研究施設、途上国医療施設での4か月以上の長期研究活動



区分 授業科目 単位数
必修 先端感染症特論I 2単位
先端感染症特論II 2単位
医療情報・倫理学理論 2単位
先端感染症演習I 8単位
先端感染症研究 10単位
選択必修 医学実験講座 いずれか1科目2単位を必修とし、他の科目は選択
選択 先端感染症演習II 2単位 4単位以上
先端感染症演習III 2単位
先端感染症演習IV 2単位
先端感染症特別研究I 2単位
先端感染症特別研究II 4単位
医学専攻の講義科目(医療情報・倫理学理論及び感染病態制御学理論を除く。) 2単位

※ 選択必修科目の内、選択科目として修得した単位を含む。
