Our laboratory belongs to the Joint Reseach Center for Human Retrovirus Infevtion of Kumamoto University, which is located in the center of Kyushu.
The predecessor of the center was the AIDS Research Center, which has led the world in AIDS research as the only research center specializing in AIDS research in Japan.
The Joint Research Center for Human Retrovirus Infection is a collaborative effort between Kumamoto University and Kagoshima University initiated in April 2019 for the shared goal of eradicating refractory retroviruses.
At The Joint Research Center for Human Retrovirus Infection, the research target is not limited to HIV-1, but also HTLV-1, which has many infected people in the Kyushu region, and hepatitis B virus, which is an intractable viral infection.
In order to contribute to solving various problems related to these intractable viral infections, I am working hard every day beyond the boundaries of the university.
Competitive research funding
Japan Society for Promotion of Science【JSPS】
Yorifumi Sato
- 2020-2022; Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B),PI
「Elucidation of HTLV-1 pathogenesis by multidirectional and high-resolution research technique with longitudinal clinical samples」
- 2018-2020; Fostering Joint International Research (B),PI
「Dynamic evolution and different pathogenesis of HTLV-1 across multiple continents revealed by next generation sequencing technology」
- 2017-2019; Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C),PI
「HIV-1 transcriptome analysis」
- 2014-2016; Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C),PI
「HTLV-1 proviral research for the control of ATL」
Kenji Sugata
- 2021-2023; Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up,PI
「Detection of surrogate markers in HTLV-1 specific CTLs predicting HAM onset」
- 2021-2022; Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up,PI
「Comprehensive detection of high affinity TCRs specific for HTLV-1」
Misaki Matsuo
- 2021-2023;Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, PI
「Epigenome dynamics of the host cell in HTLV-1 infection」
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development【AMED】
- 2022-2024; Research Program on HIV/AIDS, PI
「A development research aiming to elucidate and overcome HIV latency by cutting-edge nucleic acid biotechnology」
- 2020-2022 ;Interdisciplinary Cutting-edge Reserch,PI
「Idetification of surrogate markers for the prediction of HTLV-1-related diseases by multiple-layered single cell analysis」
- 2019-2022;International Collaborative Research Program,PI
「The human T-cell leukaemia virus HTLV-1: transcriptional heterogeneity at the single-cell level」
- 2019-2021;Research Program on HIV/AIDS,PI
「Creation of new druggable targets to overcome HIV-1 latency via collaboration between high-resolution nucleic acid analyses and leading-edge techniques for viral dynamics」
- 2017-2019; Japanese Initiative for Progress of Research on Infectious Disease for global Epidemic (J-PRIDE),PI
「Elucidation of key mechanisms of persistent/latent HTLV-1 infection by analyzing single cell data with data mining technique」
Joint Research
Domestic Collaborators
Kagoshima University |
Dr. Kenji Ishitsuka |
Dr. Shingo Nakahata |
Imamura Hospital |
Dr. Atae Utsunomiya |
Dr. Masahito Tokunaga |
Saga University
Dr. Eizaburo Sueoka |
Dr. Hiroo Katsuya |
Miyazaki University |
Dr. Kunihiko Umekita |
Kumamoto Health Science University |
Dr. Tatsuya Kawaguchi |
Tokai University |
Dr. Kazuhiko Imakawa |
Dr. Toshiaki Inenaga |
Kyushu University |
Dr. Tomoharu Yoshizumi |
National Institutes of
Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition |
Dr. Takuya Yamamoto |
Kansai Medical University |
Dr. Jun-ichi Fujisawa |
Dr. Takaharu Ueno |
Dr. Kazu Okuma |
Kyoto University |
Dr. Yoshio Koyanagi |
Dr. Hirofumi Akari |
Nagoya Medical Center |
Dr. Yasumasa Iwatani |
Dr. Hirotaka Ode |
(Graduate School of Sciense Nagoya University) |
Dr. Shingo Iwami |
Medical Science St.Marianna University |
Dr. Yoshihisa Yamano |
Dr. Tomoo Sato |
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
(NCGM) |
Dr. Kenji Maeda |
Dr. Kiyoto Tsuchiya |
Dr. Hiroyuki Gatanaga |
Tokyo Medical and dental University |
Dr. Takeuchi Hiroaki |
Insutitute of Medical Science,
the University of Tokyo |
Dr. Hiroshi Yotsuyanagi |
Dr. Kei Sato |
Dr. Kaoru Uchiyama |
Dr. Makoto Yamagishi |
Tokyo University of Agriculture |
Dr.Tomoko Kobayashi |
Hokkaido University |
Dr. Takasuke Fukuhara |
International Collaborators
Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel |
Dr. Vincent Hahaut |
The Ohio State University |
Dr. Patrick Green |
Yale School of Medicine |
Dr. Ya-Chi Ho |
Dr. Juan P. Garrahan Pediatric Hospital |
Dr. Andrea Mangano |
Lyon 1 university |
Dr. Jocelyn Turpin |
Imperial College |
Dr. Charles RM Bangham |
Dr. Masahiro Ono |
Dr. Graham Taylor |
Dr. Lucy Cook |
Dr. Aileen Rowan |
Glasgow University |
Dr. David Robertson |